Hortulus Farm: Where History & Horticulture Meet

We’re thrilled to present our latest documentary, Hortulus Farm: Where History and Horticulture Meet.

Our journey with Hortulus Farm began when they approached us to create a DVD about their enchanting farm. After exploring the estate’s 24 stunning gardens, art sculptures, and deep historical significance, we proposed that this wondrous retreat be shared with garden lovers everywhere as an educational TV show. The final 25 minute documentary was accepted by NETA and is now streaming on PBS.

Hortulus Farm is a 100 acre 18th century farmstead and nursery operation located in pastoral Bucks County, Pennsylvania. The magnificent gardens created by famed garden and event designer Renny Reynolds and noted garden author Jack Staub have been hailed as “one of Pennsylvania’s secret treasures” and “a garden of world-class charm.”

A longtime member of the Greater Philadelphia Gardens, in 2015 Hortulus Farm was honored by being made the second-only-in-their-history Affiliate Garden of The Garden Conservancy, giving it major national prominence. The Hortulus Farm Foundation was created in 2000 to ensure that this historic property will continue to exist as a public place of horticultural inspiration in perpetuity.

Lambertville, NJ • Hunterdon County
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